Unibond 06
In a fit of genius earlier I decided that all University friends' circle reunion type things from this point on shall be referred to as Unibond events. Because you see... it's people from uni, and we bond. No leather involved. Here's our logo:

There was a decent turnout for the most recent event held, or at least beginning, in Birmingham. Namechecks: Toby, Tom, Twed, Anna, Jo, and even Jess, despite her being American now. I did a bit of ale related research beforehand and managed to knowingly manipulate the group into visiting a great little real ale pub in the city centre, The Wellington, where we stayed all afternoon. It had 15 (FIFTEEN) handpull guest ales and I very much enjoyed randomly sampling them. All the ones I had were very nice indeed.

It claims to have sold 2610 different ales in one calendar year, which is some kind of record. Upon discussion of this fact some very messy mental maths arose, and in such situations I'm prone to crumble. But it was proposed by some of those present that it meant they changed seven of the ales each day, and thus no ale would survive more than two days on sale. Blimey.
In the evening, Unibond relocated to Nottingham where Mark and Henry entered the fray, and we eventually found ourselves in the hideous Oceana club, putting as much effort as is humanely possible into enjoying the car-crash tunes on offer. Some of them on repeat every fifteen minutes. If I put my hands up for Detroit once, I must've done it a thousand times. But it's all about the company in such situations, and it was still an enjoyable night out. It was a good opportunity to improve my knowledge of wildlife too, as I observed numerous apes and wild stags dragged away from the dancefloor every few minutes. Plus much dry-humping/clothed-frottage against the walls. Honestly, those people need to get a room.
I promise I'll get back to my customarily hard-hitting social commentary posts in the near future.

There was a decent turnout for the most recent event held, or at least beginning, in Birmingham. Namechecks: Toby, Tom, Twed, Anna, Jo, and even Jess, despite her being American now. I did a bit of ale related research beforehand and managed to knowingly manipulate the group into visiting a great little real ale pub in the city centre, The Wellington, where we stayed all afternoon. It had 15 (FIFTEEN) handpull guest ales and I very much enjoyed randomly sampling them. All the ones I had were very nice indeed.

It claims to have sold 2610 different ales in one calendar year, which is some kind of record. Upon discussion of this fact some very messy mental maths arose, and in such situations I'm prone to crumble. But it was proposed by some of those present that it meant they changed seven of the ales each day, and thus no ale would survive more than two days on sale. Blimey.
In the evening, Unibond relocated to Nottingham where Mark and Henry entered the fray, and we eventually found ourselves in the hideous Oceana club, putting as much effort as is humanely possible into enjoying the car-crash tunes on offer. Some of them on repeat every fifteen minutes. If I put my hands up for Detroit once, I must've done it a thousand times. But it's all about the company in such situations, and it was still an enjoyable night out. It was a good opportunity to improve my knowledge of wildlife too, as I observed numerous apes and wild stags dragged away from the dancefloor every few minutes. Plus much dry-humping/clothed-frottage against the walls. Honestly, those people need to get a room.
I promise I'll get back to my customarily hard-hitting social commentary posts in the near future.