See all evil
I literally, literally leapt out of my skin when I stumbled upon this fat feathered fuck outside Flat C yesterday afternoon.

It was so fat that it didn't appear to have any legs, or whatever 'it' is 'they' have. Despite my presence, it hardly flinched, and simply watched from the corners of its evil little eyes. Very haunting and paranoia-inducing, I'm sure you'll agree.

It was so fat that it didn't appear to have any legs, or whatever 'it' is 'they' have. Despite my presence, it hardly flinched, and simply watched from the corners of its evil little eyes. Very haunting and paranoia-inducing, I'm sure you'll agree.
That looks like a wood pigeon to me, which are not at all like your common or garden rats with wings that attack old women in town centres.
Wood pigeons keep a mate for life, apparently, so maybe your's is pining for a long lost mate. Whatever the poor fella's circumstances, I've been watching too much Spring Watch for my own good...literally.
Lovely, benevolent and philanthropic wood pigeon or not (I say 'not', but on purely irrational grounds), it is tainted by association. For me.
The wood pigeon is now Britain's most common bird. Another one of those tomorrow.
That's strange. I was convinced it was Kerry Katona.
Waaaahhhheeeeeeeey!!111!!! Top Boys FFS TBF ROFLCOPTER11!!!
Actually, TBF, that was quite funny (for you).
Wood pigeons don't actually contain any wood and, since 1993, manufacturers have been legally required to label them "wood flavoured" pigeons.
Well, that's the EU for you, isn't it, hmm? All these directives and deviant pop extravaganzi (pl.) Political correctness gone literally bloody mad.
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